A network capable of true quantum transmission requires the right combination of factors: fiber optic cable capable of supporting transmissions without interruption and entanglement (or repeater) centers close enough together to ensure the ongoing integrity of the transmission across the network. These sensitive factors are difficult to produce and make operational, making long-haul quantum networking outside of the quiet confines of a lab setting challenging.
Entanglement Centers
Quantum networks are fast and vast, passing immense data sets almost instantaneously. Assuming a given quantum network has ideal topographical conditions (free from outside forces such as vibration, for example) and the correct glass to transmit across, the difference between success and failure is a series of entanglement, or repeater, facilities.
What is Quantum Repeating?
Quantum repeating, or entanglement swapping, is the necessary flipping of a quantum signal’s polarity every 70 km or less to account for signal loss as light travels across the network’s fiber.
Why is it Necessary?
Quantum transmissions travel by light along fiber optic cable. As light travels across fiber, there is a level of loss experienced called “attenuation.” Unlike classical repeaters, which simply copy the signal and send it along like a cutoff man in baseball, quantum signals can’t be duplicated, according to the no-cloning theorem. Instead, a quantum repeater receives the signal, flips its polarity at the molecular level and sends the signal on its way. Whether through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) or Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), final polarity state is determined by the number of repeats across the network.
The Quantum Data Center™
Conventional networks have amplification sites that are small and simply amplify a signal. These locations cannot support the “entanglement swapping” research equipment that is required for a quantum network. Given the need for more sophisticated equipment within 70 km along a quantum network, Quantum Corridor® views this necessity as an important opportunity: the Quantum Data Center™.
The Distributed Data Center
Thanks to its speed and incredible bandwidth, a true quantum network gives customers the opportunity to break out of the classical data center model. Rather than being one of dozens, if not hundreds, of tenants at a large-scale data center—with sizable costs and challenges associated—businesses and research institutions can take advantage of these network “on ramps” by stationing in one of the numerous Quantum Data Centers™ along the route. Given the incredible latency already established along Quantum Corridor’s current 12-mile network—0.266 milliseconds—the speed of a quantum transmission from a location 200 km away would be comparable to a classical transmission between floors within a large-scale data center.
A Peek Inside
In addition to performing necessary transmission entanglements, these centers will provide locations where lab-type equipment can be installed, developed and operated. Quantum Data Centers™ will provide ready access to properly equipped, secure environments for quantum innovators to test quantum technologies, develop business plans and raise capital. Lab fit-outs will provide a physical laboratory space area for research activity and an office-style writeup space for performing desk analysis. Entanglement swapping equipment will have the same footprint and operational requirements as an amplification site for conventional optical transmission. While Quantum Corridor®’s network is designed to help facilitate the development of the necessary equipment and capabilities.
With more complex technology comes greater challenges with that technology’s communications. However, these challenges can yield new opportunities. With the right facilities along a quantum network’s route, research and commercial entities will have ample space to compute and communicate, driving progress and discovery.