
Network  Connections  to  Global  Expertise

The Quantum Corridor® partnership model fosters unique, pivotal collaboration among leading tech providers, Midwest academic institutions, venture funders and government contractors. Quantum Corridor Inc. is an industry partner in The Bloch: End-to-end Quantum Solutions at Scale, a U.S. Department of Commerce-designated regional tech hub driving quantum computing and communications exchange.

Bringing together key partners from academia, industry, capital and government, Quantum Corridor Inc. will help shape the coherent regional strategy needed to establish and maintain regional quantum leadership and effectively facilitate inter-institutional collaboration.

Ciena Corp. is an American networking systems and software company that has emerged as the world leader and top innovator in coherent optical network technologies. The Quantum Corridor® network leverages Ciena’s coherent flexible-grid technology to deliver the fastest, most secure connectivity on the continent. The technology is also fully quantum-capable, allowing Quantum Corridor Inc. to develop and deploy the world’s first commercial quantum communications applications.

The Chicago Quantum Exchange connects top universities, national labs, and industry partners to advance the science and engineering of quantum information, train the future quantum workforce, and drive the quantum economy. The CQE is based at the University of Chicago and anchored by the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Illinois, the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, and Purdue University. It includes more than 50 corporate, international, nonprofit, and regional partners.

C1 is a leading IP-enabled, services-led, customer experience solutions provider. C1 combines world-class capabilities in building scalable networks with deep experience working in highly secure environments to provide holistic solutions to customers that prioritize the “connected human experience”. C1 is a valuable Quantum Corridor® partner, providing a suite of best-in-class IT support and consulting services.

qBraid is an innovative tech company that has built a leading cloud-based platform for quantum computing. qBraid offers a suite of software tools and access to quantum hardware to support quantum researchers and developers. Quantum Corridor® has partnered with qBraid to develop cutting-edge quantum commercialization support offerings for quantum innovators.

The Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute is a leading quantum research organization based at Purdue University. Bringing together more than 60 leading quantum researchers from across a range of disciplines, the Institute is dedicated to transforming academic quantum science into practical and commercial applications. The Institute is a vital partner for Quantum Corridor®, supporting its mission of translating quantum innovations from the lab to the real world.

Digital Crossroad is a wholesale colocation company composed of proven industry veterans who are committed to delivering sustainable data center solutions that reduce environmental and economic cost. Digital Crossroads is a key Quantum Corridor® partner. The first leg of Quantum Corridor Inc.’s fiber network runs 12 miles from the Digital Crossroad Data Center in Hammond, Indiana, to the ORD10 Data Center at 350 E. Cermak Rd. in Chicago, Illinois.

“Ciena’s collaboration with Quantum Corridor® and C1 provides the foundation for universities, research centers, data centers and other institutions to more quickly put into action the transformative power of quantum technology. Quantum computing will be a catalyst for unprecedented economic and technological advancements.”

— Patrick Scully, Director of Product Line Management, Ciena